Optimize Your Download Speed
Posted: November 30th, 2006 | Author: xanda | Filed under: IT Related | 6 Comments »If you are on Windows XP SP2, please start from step 1. Else, start from step 4
1) Download patch for TCP/IP (Windows XP SP2 only). [mirror]
2) Run EvID4226Patch.exe
3) Just press Cancel on any Windows warning message
* My recommandation for Half open connection (limit) is 50 to 100.
* For Dewa Hamurabbi Trang Tung Tang’s level of optimization, Half open connection = [ upload speed Kbitsps / 2 ] P/S:- USE AT YOUR OWN RISK
4) Download TCPOptimizer. [mirror]
5) Slide the Connection Speed to your speed ( eg: 1024 kbps – Warning! Don’t go above your speed! )
6) Select Optimal Setting at the bottom right, apply the changes, exit and restart
Feel the different after reboot. If your connection is still at the same speed, buy a faster connection…!!
Speedometer test
Credit :- SpeedGuide, LvlLord and Zaid (hahah ade name ko zaid.. hahaha)
nan, half open connection tu..
upload speed / 2 = max half open connection
baru betul =D
nice nice
Zaid.. thanks!~ FIXED already
aku perasan new tagline kat ko nyer banner: “Human Knowledge Belongs To The World. So lets share!~” hahahahah…. xleh blah :p
muah hahaha…
hanya uber2 jer yg sanggup buka half open connection banyak tu semata2 nak download speed laju…
atas sebab tu, torrent speed ku selalu dapat ~90kbps
tapi senang kena virus.. yeay~!
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