Last week = Gizmo week (Part 2)
Posted: December 13th, 2007 | Author: xanda | Filed under: My Self | Tags: MSI, new notebook | 22 Comments »7th December 2007, since my notebook is dead. And I’ve been cheated by a stupid Pakistanese regarding the motherboard, so i just simply buy a brand new with super duper cheap price notebook. It is MSI VR320X-021 MY
Intel Core Duo T2450 Processor
(2.0GHz, 2MB L2 Cache, 667FSB)
120GB SATA (5400RPM)
ATI Radeon X200M 128MB PCIE
13.3″ WXGA Bright LCD
DVDWriter Dual Layer
3 in 1 Card Reader
Built-in 802.11b/g WLAN Card / Bluetooth Supported
Lithium Ion Batery
Weight: 2.2 KG
Guess the price… Hahaha.. It is only RM1950
Murah gila. Kat mana ada jual lagi? Thinking of getting one.
haa… sila lah pergi ke smart computer (kalo tak silap.. itu la nama nye)
senang saje.. sila ke imbi plaza, cari kedai runcit yang ada menjual karipap sebesar tapak tangan. kedai komputer tersebut ngam2 sebelah kedai runcit tu
nama tokey dia : Nizam(mamak)
nak dapat murah kena bagi password bila dia tanya: En Shukor Temerloh.
ingat; IMBI Plaza.
hi, nak tumpang tanye. ok ke laptop MSI? knape pilih msi selain dr harge nye yg murah? BenQ ok ke?
from my point of view, pilih MSI sebab:
1) MSI dah lame dalam pengeluaran motherboad
2) Juga terbilang dalam pengeluaran graphic card
3) The WiFi card works with Whax, Auditor and BackTrack pretty much straight out of the box
4) For my model, built in speaker lagi bagus dari IBM ThinkPad R40
5) Update mirror is in Asia (the nearer, the faster)
6) Beli kat kawan ayah at the same time kite support dia lah…
7) Actually time beli notebook nie… my previous notebook dah rosak and dah kena tipu ngan sorang pakistan kat Low Yat… Bengang punye pasai… beli terus notebook baru
Regarding BenQ punye notebook, JoyBook…
Setakat nie xde experience sendiri or member2 lagi. tapi bedasarkan maklumat kat website nie… nampak macam ok la… terutamanye part nie :-
Tested tough
Adhering to BenQ’s dedication to quality, the Joybook S32B is subjected to a battery of 25 tests—including a scratch resistance test, pressure test, hinge test, compatibility test, high and low temperature tests, drop test, vibration test, audio muting test, and EM emissions test—to ensure its quality. BenQ is tough on the Joybook S32B so you can enjoy a trouble-free experience that measures up to your exacting standards.
So tak de kesimpulan yang berani dibuat pasai BenQ nie… sebab xde pengalaman lagi… sorry
i see, tx. nak tanye 1 lagi.. dgr cite org kate xp tak sesuai install kat core duo sbb xp pki single core jer. betul ke?
xde problem dengan windows xp + core duo.
tapi core 2 duo lain sket… die 64 bit… so kalo nak performance cun, bleh try windows xp 64 bit on core 2 duo
Setiap kali nak beli dia akan tanya password ke?
“Mau angkat ini laptop”
“Apa password?”
ic, ok. msi notebook punye heat management ok ke? cpt panas tak?
erm… so far ok… no preblem
dia tak tanya password.Cuba deal dulu .Bila dia dah sebut harga, keluarkan “password”.Mana tau tah tah dapat diskaun.
bateri bole tahan brape lame?
for my model… 3 hours
bateri baru laptop kena initial charge for at least 20-24 hrs.
begitu lah menurut manual book IBM Thinkpad dulu..
huwaaa… tak terbakar ker nanti.
ok thx
if anything happen, camne ngan support? msi ader kilang kat mesia ke? kang tak pasal2 kene antar ke taiwan & ambik mase berbln2.
tak tau la kilang ke apa… tapi ade 2 branch la untuk handle warranty and support nie… tu nanti bleh mintak penjelasan dari penjual tu sendiri nanti
kat mane branch nyer?
aku nie bukan distributor pun… so mintak penjual tu sendiri jelaskan nanti.. thanks
Nan, insyallah hari ni satu bijik lagi.Mintak diskaun lagi sikit kat Nizam tu.