Short Update Regarding Xanara Rescue CD
Posted: February 25th, 2008 | Author: xanda | Filed under: IT Related, Project | Tags: Casper, Project, xanara, Xanara Rescue CD | No Comments »Casper gives me a lot of troubles. He removes ALL user settings that I’ve made in the home directory of the Live CD user. The Live-Linux’s pre-compiled kernel also brings me some problems with the modules. Recorrect it? SORRY! I prefer to start it all over again from SCRATCH.
Current progress? Erm.. I can say that Xanara Rescue CD (just for the OS part) is currently at 30% to 35% of overall progress. For now, I am upgrading the OLD packages and modules that were installed on the base operating system that is use as the base and it require me to download 165 files! Hahaha…
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