Panel For Post Industrial Training Forum and Sharing Session
Posted: February 26th, 2008 | Author: xanda | Filed under: My Self | 5 Comments »Yesterday I was invited to be one of the panel for Post Industrial Training Forum and Sharing Session to help Beta and Gamma IT students to prepare themself for their comming training.
Haa… Aku tu.. macam conduct meetup la pulak
Bravo Nan 🙂 keep on kicking!
tu la.. terasa macam duta proton saga BLM pulak duduk kat depan macam tu.. hahahah
ngah nak beli BLM. duit muka sudah cukup. amacam? handal tak? :>
gue masih ngak mampu 😐
nan.. kat sini rupanya ko…. bagus2…