Weekly Summary : SCTV Cup and Blackhole Exploit Kit v2
Posted: September 14th, 2012 | Author: xanda | Filed under: IT Related | Tags: indonesia, malaysia, rules, SIG, summary, weekly, yara | No Comments »2 of the events that will be highlighted in this “weekly summary” are SCTV Cup and Blackhole Exploit Kit v2.
Earlier this week, there was a football match between Malaysia (under 22) and Indonesia (under 22) for the SCTV Cup 2012. Malaysia won the match with 1-0, and I was expecting “yet another soccer related war” gonna happen. But again, just like my previous expectation on the Merdeka day, it didn’t happen. I hope, kiddies from both countries are now matured enough and could move to more serious matters. Congrats for the winner (Malaysia U22) and for the ‘armies’ of both countries.
Blackhole Exploit Kit v2 has been released this week. malware.dontneedcoffee.com did a writeup on the release announcement and not so long after that, a few samples ware found in the wild. The most noticeable changes (from my view) was the URL pattern. So a minor tweak need to be done to the signature pattern. I’ve performed deobfuscation to the obfuscated javascript of Blackhole v2.0 and manage to do it with no harm. Old school method still works 😉 If you need detail discussion on this Blackhole v2, you may refer to write by SpiderLabs and by malware.dontneedcoffee.com
I’ve decided NOT to share any Yara rules anymore (including for this Blackhole v2.0), since based on my previous rules posted, I don’t get enough response & feedback from the users. So I’ve change the game plan, where I will only release it to some of the private groups and SIG (special interest group) mailing list. If you need to get the feeds, kindly drop me an email at adnan.shukor @ G!
That’s all for this week.
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