Yara Rule for Angler EK redirector JS
Posted: August 28th, 2015 | Author: xanda | Filed under: IT Related | Tags: Angler Exploit Kit | No Comments »Few friends ping-ed me recently and asked for intel on Angler EK. One of the thing that i can really release publicly at the moment without interfering/conflicting with my employer’s interest, is the yara rule to detect the Angler Exploit Kit redirector. The redirector is actually JS code, injected to innocent page to redirect visitor to Angler Exploit Kit.
Here you go:
rule AnglerEKredirector { meta: description = "Angler Exploit Kit Redirector" ref = "http://blog.xanda.org/2015/08/28/yara-rule-for-angler-ek-redirector-js/" author = "adnan.shukor@gmail.com" date = "08-July-2015" impact = "5" version = "1" strings: $ekr1 = "<script>var date = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 60*60*24*7*1000);" fullword $ekr2 = "document.cookie=\"PHP_SESSION_PHP=" $ekr3 = "path=/; expires=\"+date.toUTCString();</script>" fullword $ekr4 = "<iframe src=" fullword $ekr5 = "</iframe></div>" fullword condition: all of them } |
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