Khweeteur (on Maemo) Segmentation Fault Workaround

Posted: August 12th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: N900 | Tags: , , , | No Comments »

For those who are on N900 (Maemo) and having problem in launching or installing [1] Khweeteur v0.5* this is the workaround for the problem

[1] Error in installing means: if you found the following error during installation :

Listing /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/khweeteur ...
Listing /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/khweeteur/icons ...
Listing /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/khweeteur/oauth ...
Listing /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/khweeteur/oauth2 ...
Segmentation fault
Segmentation fault
dpkg: error processing khweeteur (--configure):

So here is the temporary workaround for this problem

1) Install older version of python-pyside

sudo apt-get install libpyside1.0=1.0.3-1maemo2 python-pyside=1.0.3-1maemo2 libshiboken1.0=1.0.3-1maemo1 python-pyside.phonon=1.0.3-1maemo2 python-pyside.qtcore=1.0.3-1maemo2 python-pyside.qtgui=1.0.3-1maemo2 python-pyside.qtdeclarative=1.0.3-1maemo2 python-pyside.qtmaemo5=1.0.3-1maemo2 python-pyside.qtmultimedia=1.0.3-1maemo2 python-pyside.qtnetwork=1.0.3-1maemo2 python-pyside.qtopengl=1.0.3-1maemo2 python-pyside.qtscript=1.0.3-1maemo2 python-pyside.qtsql=1.0.3-1maemo2 python-pyside.qtsvg=1.0.3-1maemo2 python-pyside.qtwebkit=1.0.3-1maemo2 python-pyside.qtxml=1.0.3-1maemo2 python-pyside.qtxmlpatterns=1.0.3-1maemo2

2) Install pyside-mobility

sudo apt-get install pyside-mobility

3) Now install you khweeteur or khweeteur-experimental

sudo apt-get install khweeteur-experimental

P/S: Do not update your pyside to the latest version until khweeteur has change the code to suite the latest pyside accordingly.

The Most (self-declared) Complete, Easy and Confirm-working Tutorial : Installing Android on N900

Posted: February 17th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: N900 | No Comments »

Ok lets try to make it short.

1) Install your MicroSD card into your N900. Personally I think 4GB, 8GB or greater is better.

2) Make sure you have added extras-devel repo to your list (not yet? refer here

3) Install nitdroid-installer

sudo gainroot
apt-get install nitdroid-installer

4) During my installation, the latest version of nitdroid-installer in the repo is not latest version according to the Nitdroid website, so you may check for the latest version in .DEB format here

5) Don’t straight away run the installer. Usually you’ll get stuck in the partitioning/formatting process. So partition it manually:

sudo gainroot
umount /dev/mmcblk1p1

Carefully look at your MicroSD’s size and choose new partition size before you proceed with the following command:

32GB MicroSD = 30100MB
16GB MicroSD = 14100MB
8GB MicroSD = 6100MB
4GB MicroSD = 2100MB

sfdisk -uM /dev/mmcblk1 << EOF

6) Since you’ve partitioned and format your MicroSD manually, so we need to modify the installation script. With root privilege (sudo gainroot) and your favorite text editor, modify /usr/bin/notdroid-installer from the following lines:

# Options

into these lines:

# Options

Save and exit!

7) Make sure you have internet connection connected. If you have AutoDisconnect installed, I prefer you to disable it for a while 🙂

8 ) Run the automagic installer

sudo gainroot
sudo nitdroid-installer

Basically you are done! BUT is you are a Kernel Power user, proceed with these:

9) Install Multiboot that has kernel power support

sudo gainroot
apt-get install multiboot-kernel-power kernel-power-bootimg

Power off you device, slide out your keyboard, and power it on again 😀

Thanks 🙂



Turning your N900 (Maemo) Device into SMS Based Botnet as Easy as 123

Posted: February 2nd, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: N900 | No Comments »

If you’ve read/come across this blog post “Smartphone Code Release for Shmoocon” lately, I believed you must be surprised. The author also release the PoC code for android in his blog entry. Hurm, can it be done on Maemo devices? Yes it can 🙂 As easy as :

sudo gainroot
apt-get install smscon
smscon -start

of course with some minor configuration

A lil info on SMSCON

SMSCON provides complete control of your N900 by sending SMS commands to it. This is particularly handy in case you cannot find your phone, for example if it has been lost or even stolen.

SMSCON is a two part Python script running in command-line; smscon and smscon_daemon. smscon is the command-line control part and smscon_daemon is the daemon (running in the background) part. The configuration file for all the user settings is in the smscon_config file.

SMSCON will also auto-load silently at boot, waiting for a special SMS command message in case you phone is lost (or even stolen).

SMSCON can’t guarantee that you will find your phone again, but it will provide the maximum chance to recover it. If this application ever helps you to recover your phone please tell the story on! The best way is of course to never lose your phone or let it get stolen…

More info: READ HERE

Maemo (N900) Must Have Repo List

Posted: February 1st, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: N900 | 4 Comments »


Short update. Here are the must have repo list for your Maemo (N900)

deb ./
deb ./
deb ./
deb fremantle-1.3 free non-free
deb fremantle free non-free
deb fremantle free non-free
deb fremantle free non-free
deb fremantle free non-free
deb fremantle/sdk free non-free

ok huge list.. where to put it?


hurm.. did i missed the SDK repo? not really.. the SDK repo is down (at the moment). Will update this post later.[updated]

Done with the list?

sudo gainroot
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade