Installing scRUBYt! on Ubuntu Linux

Posted: March 10th, 2009 | Author: | Filed under: IT Related | Tags: , , , , , | 5 Comments »

scRUBYt! is a simple but powerful web scraping toolkit written in Ruby. It’s purpose is to free you from the drudgery of web page crawling, looking up HTML tags, attributes, XPaths, form names and other typical low-level web scraping stuff by figuring these out from your examples copy’n’pasted from the Web page or straight from Firebug.

Here are some tips on how to make scRUBYt! works on Ubuntu Linux :

Update your packages list

sudo apt-get update

Now install build-essential and dependencies

sudo apt-get install build-essential ruby-full rubygems libxml-ruby libxslt1.1 libxslt1-dev libxslt-ruby libxml2 libxml2-dev

By using gem, install scRUBYt!’s dependencies

sudo gem install rack rubyforge rake hoe sinatra nokogiri user-choices xml-simple s4t-utils builder commonwatir activesupport hpricot mechanize firewatir

Finally, install scrubyt

sudo gem install scrubyt

Enjoy! 😀

Play Safe at Your Office

Posted: June 23rd, 2008 | Author: | Filed under: My Self | Tags: , | No Comments »

Too many open windows on your desktop at a time? Or running “forbidden” application at your office?

Virtual Desktop will create new desktops for you and let you to switch between desks and windows quick and easy. Providing up to 4 virtual desktop, user can easily switch their virtual desktop by simply press [Alt]+[1], [Alt]+[2], [Alt]+[3] or [Alt]+[4]

Virtual Desktop is built as a service and requires only 2MB ram memory to work.

Virtual Desktop is freeware and comes with full Delphi sources.

If you are using Linux, you should have no problem with this, but for Windows, this is the solution.

Download Virtual Desktop HERE

Installing XMMS on Ubuntu 8.04

Posted: May 25th, 2008 | Author: | Filed under: IT Related | Tags: , , | 48 Comments »

After Gentoo and Slackware, now is the time for Ubuntu removing XMMS packages from their repo. How SAD! And for those who still want XMMS installed in their Ubuntu, here is the tip.

This this is originally written by Sartek and modified by me

Update your packages list

sudo apt-get update

Now install build-essential

sudo apt-get install build-essential

Alright, now we need to install the XMMS’s dependencies

sudo apt-get install autotools-dev automake1.9 libtool gettext libasound2-dev libaudiofile-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglib1.2-dev libgtk1.2-dev libesd0-dev libice-dev libmikmod2-dev libogg-dev libsm-dev libvorbis-dev libxxf86vm-dev libxml-dev libssl-dev

Now create a working directory and change into that directory

mkdir ~/build
cd ~/build

Download XMMS sources:


Extract the file and enter the extracted directory

tar xvf xmms-1.2.11.tar.gz
cd xmms-1.2.11/

Run configure with –prefix=/usr

./configure --prefix=/usr

In my case (Intel Pentium Core Duo), I’ve enable CFLAGS options for processor optimization

CFLAGS="-march=prescott -O2 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer" ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-gnutls=yes

You can simply use the command without the CFLAGS above, or if you want to optimize the pidgin to suit your processor, you can refer to Safe_Cflags page (Gentoo.. uhukk..)

Now compile it and install it

sudo make install

Now lets create the shortcut in your Gnome Menu

Right click on your Gnome Menu, and click on Edit Menu and follow these pictures:

Finish! now just simply remove your build (working) directory

cd ~
rm -dfr ~/build

Haih… Event XMMS is not in the repo… seriously Ubuntu 8.04 is a mistake!