OIC CERT Seminar 2009
Posted: January 14th, 2009 | Author: xanda | Filed under: My Self | Tags: cert, oic, oic-cert | 6 Comments »- Attended OIC CERT Seminar 2009
- Meet a lot of people (in related field of course)
- Learned few new things
- Eat for free
- Again eat for free
- Tomorrow, gonna assist my colleague,
, in conducting Honeynet Hands-on Training
P/S #1 : Rumah sebelah rumah aku kami buat Projek Tanaman Lalang Madu dengan usaha sama MARDI. Sebab tu lalang kat umah dia sampai paras pinggang dah.. umah aku kami punye dah clear… kami aku kami buat manual lagi tu..
P/S #2 : We have enough facilities, technologies. ‘Abuse‘ it to expend your knowledge, the way you think. Think outside the box
P/S #3 : Dapat project baru (project kerja.. bukan side project) Thanks to Bro
P/S #4 : Kalau harta sendiri boleh la declare & buat macam harta sendiri, tapi kalau kongsi, buat cara kongsi
P/S #5 : Anjing takut dengan bayang-bayang sendiri.. hahahha..
P/S #6 : Aku nak ushar rumah.. Area Nilai cun ke huh?
P/S #7 : Tengah compile Ubuntu ni.. ya.. Ubuntu.. bukan Gentoo.. nanti aku buat howto