Java Decompiler – Yet Another Fast Java Decompiler
Posted: February 9th, 2010 | Author: xanda | Filed under: IT Related | Tags: class, crack, decompile, jar, java, RE, reverse engineering, reversing | 3 Comments »I’ve heard about decompiling java class since 2007 (when I was in MIMOS) but never try it before. Maybe because I don’t really code in Java.. and I don’t really like Java 😛
But today, I’ve found something interesting to play with.. J2ME based one time password application.. Since I’m on Mac, so I’ve found that Java Decompiler (JD) is the most suitable tool to use for me..
Its also available for Windows and Linux..
See some screenshots HERE

It’s nice to have something this to be learn
You can compare it with DJ Java Decompiler:
JD is coded in java so it can run in multiplatform 😉